2 Sets, For Quality
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Barbell Strict Press
12:00 minute Clock to Complete the Following
Back Rack Reverse Lunges
5/5 @ 90% of 5RM From last week
4/4 @ increased load
3/3 @ increased load
Percentage is based on your 5RM Back Rack Reverse Lunges
Rest as needed between sets
Build up to 75% of 5RM or 65% of 1RM Back Squat
Back Squat
20 Reps @ (65% of 1RM or 75% of 5RM)
For Time:
100 Hang Power Snatches
100 Push Press
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
100 Front Squats
Load: 30/20 kg
Time Cap: 20 minutes
PRVN Recovery Flow
1-2 Sets
Right Leg/Left Leg
:30 Down Dog
:15 Updog
:30 Down Dog
:30 Twisted Dragon Pose
:30 Pigeon Pose
:30 Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
Recovery / Mobility Protocol
5:00 minute Wall Sit
3:00/3:00 Side Plank