Warm Up: 8:00 minutes
2 Sets: For Quality
:40 second Row
:30 second Scapular Pull-Ups
2 Wall Walks
Gymnastics : 12:00-15:00 minute Clock
4 Rounds
2:00 minutes Freestanding Handstand Hold
"The Mongolian Stomper"
18:00 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 200/170m Row
Min 2: 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 45/30kg
Min 3: 200/170m Row
Min 4: 14 Alternating 1DB Step-Ups 32.5/22.5kg (24/20'')
Minute 5: 200/170m Row
Min 6: 16 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Recovery / Mobility
1:00/1:00 minute Low Dragon Stretch
:40 second Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00 / 1:00 minute Samson Stretch
1:00 minute Updog Stretch
Optional Accessories
5 Sets: For Quality
:15 / :15 second Copenhagen Plank
:15 / :15 second Star Plank
:15 / :15 Single Leg RDL Iso Hold
Quality Isometrics today for hip and back health. Take these seriously and they will make you feel so much better.