For Quality
2 Sets (8 Total Intervals)
40 seconds @ Each Station
20 second Transition
- Lateral Shuttle 7.5m Out and Back
"Are You Ready"
Every 6:00 x 6 Sets
400m Run
30/22 Calorie Echo
Goal: Complete each set in under 4:00
Stimulus: V02 Max Intervals
RPE: 9/10
Every 6:00 x 6 Sets
400m Run
40/28 Calorie Echo
Level 2:
Every 6:00 x 6 Sets
400m Run
25/18 Calorie Echo
Level 1:
Every 6:00 x 6 Sets
200m Run
25/18 Calorie Echo
1-2 Sets
Right Leg/Left Leg
:30 Down Dog
:15 Updog
:30 Down Dog
:30 Twisted Dragon Pose
:30 Pigeon Pose
:30 Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
Optional Accessories
For Quality:
6 Rounds (12:00 Clock)
:40 On/:20 Off
Station 1 - Ring Crunches
Station 2 - Chinese Plank Hold
Add load to the chinese plank hold if able