:30/:30 second Couch Stretch
:30/:30 second Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Wall Figure 4 Stretch
Med Ball Partner Warm-Up
Complete For Quality
400m Run (both partners run together passing back and forth the medball) 9/6kg
Med Ball Chest Pass x 10/Partner
Med Ball Rotational Partner Toss x 10/Partner x 10/Side
Med Ball Russian Twist Toss x 10/Partner x 10/Side
Plank Alternating Med Ball Taps x 20/Partner
5 Sets
4:00 minute AMRAP
1:00 Max Partner Med Ball Sit-Ups 9/6kg
400m Run w/ Med Ball
-In the Remaining Time Max Rope Climbs
1:00 minute rest between sets
Score = Total Reps of Sit-Ups and Rope Climbs
Rope Climbs = 4 Medball Sit-Up Reps
Recovery / Mobility Protocol
:30/:30 second Elevated Calf Stretch
1:00 minute Updog + Down Dog
1:00 minute Seated Chest Stretch
1:00/1:00 minute Pigeon Pose
Optional Accessories
4 Sets, For Quality:
20 Alternating Bicep Curls