Warm Up:
2 Rounds for Quality
20 Second Wall Supported Handstand Hold
20/20 Second Copenhagen Plank
5/5 Single Arm Kettlebell Thrusters, Moderate Load
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
3 Sets
3 Hang Muscle Clean
3 Strict Press
3 Sets
Hang Squat Clean
Squat Clean and Jerk
Clean and Jerk
Every 2:30 Minutes, 5 sets, complete the following:
1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
Rest: 10 seconds
1 Clean and Jerk
Take 10:00 to Build to a Heavy 3 rep Back Squat
then complete:
Every 2:00 minutes, 5 Sets
3 Back Squats @ 80% + 4 Seated Box Jumps
Percentage for the Back Squat is based off of your heavy 3 reps achieved prior to.
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00Pigeon Stretch
Optional Accessories
5 Sets, For Quality
6 Dual Kettlebell Z-Press, Heavy
15 High Wall Ball Shots 9/6kg
Rest 2:00 minutes between sets