Workout of the Day 04/06/21Aaron MarcelinoMay 29, 20211 min readUpdated: Jun 3, 2021Warm up100m Run20 Good Mornings15 Ring Rows10 Push Ups5 Inch wormsMetconChipper workout10 Rounds for Time200m Run10 Pull Ups15 Push Ups20 Sit upsCool Down1 Min eachDown DogPecGerman HangPigeonHappy Baby
Warm up100m Run20 Good Mornings15 Ring Rows10 Push Ups5 Inch wormsMetconChipper workout10 Rounds for Time200m Run10 Pull Ups15 Push Ups20 Sit upsCool Down1 Min eachDown DogPecGerman HangPigeonHappy Baby
11/02/25 Tuesday Workout of the DayGeneral Warm-Up: (4-6 minutes) 2 Sets: For Quality 1:00 Machine of Choice 10 Air Squats 8 Cat-Cows 10 Scapular Pull-Ups 10 Banded...
14/02/25 Friday Workout of the DayMobility and Bodyheat (4 minutes) 1:30 Cardio Choice :30 second Puppy Dog Pose :20/:20 Scorpion Stretch :30/:30 Deep Lunge Ankle...
12/02/25 Wednesday Workout of the DayGeneral Warm-Up: (5-7 minutes) 2 Sets: For Quality :30 second Jump Rope (Single Unders, Running Singles, Double Unders) 5/5 Pendulum...