Part A)
5:00 minutes, For Quality
:30 second Row @ Moderate Pace
8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Bar Kip Swings
8 Ring Rows
Part B)
5:00 minutes, For Quality
:15 second Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs
5 Push Press
3 Strict Pull-Ups or 5 Ring Rows
Back Squat Progression
For Load:
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
6 Back Squats @ 70-75% of 3RM
Rest 30 seconds
4-6 Heavy Goblet Squats For Speed
Record Each Working Weight
"The Wheat Fields"
12:00 AMRAP
10* Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters
20/15 Calorie Row
*Add 5 Pull-Ups Each Set
Barbell: 34/25kg
Goal: ~ 4 Rounds
Stimulus: Mixed Modal V02 Max Triplet
RPE: 9/10
12:00 AMRAP
10* Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters
20/15 Calorie Row
*Add 5 Pull-Ups Each Set
Barbell: 43/30kg
Level 2:
12:00 AMRAP
5* Pull-Ups
10 Thrusters
18/15 Calorie Row
*Add 5 Pull-Ups Each Set
Barbell: 30/20kg
Level 1:
12:00 AMRAP
5* Banded Strict Pull-Ups
10 Thrusters
18/15 Calorie Row
*Add 5 Pull-Ups Each Set
Barbell: 20/15kg
PRVN Recovery #8
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Child's Pose
Optional Accessories
3 Sets, for Quality