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Writer's pictureAaron Marcelino

05/09/24 Thursday Workout of the Day


4 Sets, Rotating Stations (8:00)

20 seconds @ Each Station

10 second transition

- Side Plank (Left)

- Side Plank (Right)


Specific Warm-Up

3 Deadlifts + 1 Banded Broad Jump, Building over 3-4 sets from 50% to 75% on the Bar

3 Bench Press + 2-3 Medball Chest Pass to the Floor, Building over 3-4 sets starting at 50% and building to 75% on the Barbell

"Echoed in Eternity"

Every 2:00 x 12 Sets, Alternating Stations

Station 1: 3 Deadlifts + 3 Banded Broad Jumps

Station 2: 3 Bench Press + 5 Wall Ball Chest Press to Floor

Load @ 75-85% for Both Lifts

This will be 6 x 3 for both lifts

Goal: Complete all lifts @ the prescribed percentages and feel strong doing so. 

Stimulus: Absolute Strength

RPE: 6/10

PRVN Recovery #9

Optional Accessories

For Quality:

5 Sets

6/6 Goblet Lateral Box Step Up, Moderate Load

10 Ring Push Ups

-rest as needed b/t sets-

Perform both movements at 21x0 tempo. Focus on not pushing off the ground with the non working leg on the step ups, and use a box height that puts you below parallel. 

Tempo [A][B][C][D]

A = Eccentric

B = Position or change of direction between Eccentric And Concentric

C = Concentric

D = Position or change of direction between Concentric and Eccentric

Eccentric = Muscle Lengthening Under Tension

Concentric = Muscle Shortening Under Tension

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