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Writer's pictureAaron Marcelino

23-27/09/24 Lunchtime



Part A) Body Flow Warm-Up

20 seconds, Each Movement

-Alternating Arm Swings

-Back Slaps

-Wrist Circles

-Trunk Rotations

-Hip Circles

-Bow and Bend

-Down Dog Toe Touches

-Quarter Squat Reactive Jumps

Part B) DB Warm-Up

For Quality

6 Romanian Deadlifts

6 Hang Muscle Cleans

6 Strict Press

3 Push Jerk

*Perform with light DB

Part C) Specific Primer

For Quality

Hang Power Clean

Slow Power Clean

Push Jerk w/ Pause in the Catch

*Perform with light loads on DB

"Ralph Lauren"

5 Sets, For Max Reps

3:00 AMRAP

10 DB Clean and Jerks

100m Run

-Max Burpees remaining time

- 1:00 Rest b/t Sets -

Stimulus: Anaerobic

RPE: 9/10



For Quality

30 second Jump Rope Practice

5 Strict Knee to Chest

10 Alternating V-Ups



2 Sets,

4 Goblet Lunges


3 Goblet Squats

*Building loads on both

"Stella McCartney"

20:00 AMRAP

7/7 Single Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge

14 Knee Raise/Leg Raise

56 Single Unders

Kettlebell Load: 24/16kg

Goal: 4-6 Rounds 

Score: Rounds & Reps

RPE: 7/10



For Quality,

1:00 Cardio Choice (Bike / Run / Row)

10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges

Rowing Form and Technique

- Pick Drill

- Arms and Body

- Legs and Body

- Half Stroke

- Full Stroke

Build into how to keep the chain path smooth and consistent here when maintaining pace and tension on the row.

"Elsa Schiaparelli"

For Time:

Every 3:00 x 6 Sets, Alternating Stations

Station 1: 400m Run

Station 2: 

15/11 Calorie Echo Bike

30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg

Station 3:

500m Row

Goal: Sub 2:00 / Set 

Score: Sum Total Interval Time

RPE: 8/10



2 Sets

30 Seconds @ Each Station

15 Second Transition

- Machine of Choice

- Bottoms Up Kettlebell Waiters Walk (Switch @ 15 seconds)

"Salvatore Ferragamo"

20:00 EMOM

minute 1: 20/15 Push-Ups

minute 2: 1/1 Turkish Get-Ups

minute 4: Rest

Loads: Choice on Kettlebell and Sandbag

Goal: Stay holding the Sandbag the Entire Minute

Score: Seconds Per Station on the Sandbag

RPE: 6/10



2 Sets

20 seconds on / 10 second transition

- Dead-Hang From Pull-Up Bar

- Ring Rows

"Giorgio Armani"

For Time

6 Sets, Each For Time

8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

10 Box Jumps over

12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups/Ring Row

- Rest 1:00 b/t sets - 

*Alternate Directions Each Round

Box Height: 20’’

Dumbbell: 15/12.5kg

Goal: 1:00-1:30 Sets / 11:00-15:00 

Time Cap: 20:00

Score: Time

Stimulus: High Capacity Triplet / Sprinting

RPE: 9/10

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